The University of Winnipeg
Faculty of Education
Special Topics: Technology in the Classroom
Summer – July 16, 2011 – July 27, 2012
Instructor: Andrew Volk Join the group at edmodo!
E-Mail: Group Code: av1pzv
Phone: (204) 471-2947
Class Location/Time: 511 Ellice Avenue,
Betty Osborne Bld. Room: 1E05
Summer – July 17 – 30, 2012; 12:30 – 4:00 pm
This website has been created for participants in EDUC 4000/3-255 Special Topics: Technology in the Classroom. In the spirit of this course, the syllabus, assignment criteria and all reading materials and texts will be available through this site. You can navigate this site using the "sidebar", which is found to the right.
While the content of this course is available online and assignments are preferred in electronic format via e-mail, attendance is expected and will be critical to the outcome of the course as much of the learning will be hands-on and face-to-face.
I am looking forward to facilitating and participating in this course with you,
Andrew Volk
Below are Links to some examples of typical eLearning modules/objects that students might do online. Try them out (you don't have to complete them, but you can if you want) and reflect on what you like and don't like about his kind of learning experience.
The Crime Scene Game - This is a text based game that requires you to use questioning to gather needed information.
Analyze Soil Texture - In this analysis activity you will use a triangular grid to analyze types of soil based on composition.
Heat Flow Laboratory - This 'learning object' allows you to experiment with a variety of controls and challenges you to figure out a formula for heat exchange.
WHMIS - Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System Online Training. Perhaps you've had to do a similar module before. Lucky you.
Course on Research Ethics - If you complete this learning module you will receive a certificate in Research Ethics from the Gov't of Canada (requires you to create an account).
InformNet/Manitoba Blackboard - This is Manitoba's portal to web-based courses/distance learning for SY courses.
Moodle Demo - This demo or 'sandbox' version of a moodle LMS allows you to log in as a variety of users and explore how an LMS works.
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