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The University of Winnipeg

Faculty of Education


Special Topics: Technology in the Classroom

Summer – July 16, 2011 – July 27, 2012


Instructor:                                          Andrew Volk B.A; B.Ed

E-Mail:                                               volk.teach@gmail.com 

Phone:                                               (204) 471-2947

Class Location/Time:                         511 Ellice Avenue,

                                                         Betty Osborne Bld. Room: 1E05

                                                         Summer – July 18 – 31, 2014; 12:30 – 4:00 pm

Office Hours:

I am available for assistance; please contact me to arrange the time and location.


Schedule of Classes

July 18 – 31, 2014; M, T, W, Th, F; 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm



All course materials will be provided in class or can be found at http://sttechnology.pbworks.com



The focus of this course will be on the contexts in which information communication technology (ICT) is used in the classroom, and the selection and application of ICT tools and resources appropriate for Early and Middle Years curricula.  Topics to be explored include the structure and contents of the MECY document “A Continuum Model for Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum”, infusion of technology into lesson planning, instruction and assessment, research and inquiry using ICT tools and electronic sources, and uses of interactive white board technologies, “web 2.0” technologies, and digital devices.  The course will also focus on how ICT complements and impacts pedagogy in Early and Middle Years settings.


Assessment of the course assignments:

  1.  Personal Assessment of Technology Skills and Attitudes – 15 pts (Due: Class 2)
  2.  Design your own web-site/virtual classroom – 20 points (Due Class 9)
  3.  Create a LwICT Lesson Plan – 30 pts (Due: Class 8)
  4.  Lead a Group Seminar – 15 pts (Due date will vary)
  5.  Final Paper – 20 pts (Due: Class 9)



Personal Assessment of Technology Skills and Attitutes

Prepare a 1-2 page self-assessment that addresses the following questions:

· What experience do you have working in schools?  What grade level and content areas have you worked in?

· Have you used PC, Mac, or both? What platform are you more comfortable with?

· Which operating systems are you familiar with (i.e., Windows, Leopard, Linux, DOS, etc), and which ones do you currently use?

· What integrated software packages, such as Microsoft Office ® or AppleWorks® do you have available to you, and approximately how long have you been using them?

· In your own words, describe the computer system you use at home, if you have one.

· In your own words, describe the computer system you have at school/work

· Create a comprehensive list of hardware, digital devices, software and web-based applications that you feel confident using

· Describe a teaching/learning situation in which you have experienced the benefits of using technology, and explain what they were

· Describe a teaching/learning experience in which technology (or the lack of it) was an obstacle, and explain how you dealt with it

· In what ways do you look forward to using technology as a teaching/learning tool?


Design a Website/Virtual Classroom

Design and create a website that can be used as an extension of your classroom.  The website should have a clearly stated purpose and content relevant to your teaching assignment.  It should be easy to use and maintain, well organized, appealing to students, and functional.  You can explore some of the options below, but for the purpose of this assignment, http://pbworks.com is strongly suggested:


·  http://pbworks.com

·  http://www.wikispaces.com/

·  http://www.mediawiki.org



·  http://www.blogger.com

·  http://wordpress.com/

·  http://blog.com/


Website Builders:

·  http://www.webs.com/

·  http://www.wix.com




Some specific features to consider including are:

  • a home page, 
  • hyperlinks/navigation tools, 
  • a calendar, 
  • assignments, 
  • discussion forums, and 
  • contact information.  
  • Also consider design factors such as color, text, graphics, and multimedia that will set the tone of your website.  Ensure that all (or as many as possible) of the resources and tools required for your unit of study are available to students from your website.  When the website is complete, it can be handed in by emailing the URL to the instructor along with any supplementary notes that you may want to include regarding the process of making the site, its contents, functionality, etc.


Create a LwICT Lesson Plan

Create a lesson plan at any level (Early or Middle Years) that you wish (preferably a level you hope to teach or have experience teaching). 

The lesson must consist of Activating, Acquiring, and Applying stages.  The purpose of the activating stage is to introduce a topic or concept in a way that will engage students and invite them to consider a specific perspective, or a variety of perspectives.  The acquiring stage should involve the acquisition and processing of the knowledge the students are intended to learn; and the applying stage should involve a creative or demonstrative application of the knowledge.

Each lesson plan in your unit must begin by clearly stating a curricular learning outcome from at least one subject area at the grade level you have chosen.  You must also indicate any descriptors from the LwICT continuum that correlate with your lesson.  You can use the LwICT continuum to determine which descriptors are appropriate for your grade level.

The lesson should include an Appendix with hyperlinks to any electronic resources that you are using.

Further criteria are as follows:

·  At least one stage of the lesson must involve student use of ICT

·  At least one stage of the lesson must involvestudent or teacher use of a “web 2.0” tool or application (several will be presented in class)

·  Instructions, tools and resources for your unit should be accessible through your website - an independent learner should be able to do your lesson remotely.


Lead a Seminar

Seminars will be held in groups of approximately 5 students.  Each group will have access to a variety of peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles related to the use of technology in the classroom.  Each person will be responsible for leading a seminar style discussion of the article they choose with the rest of the group.  It is expected that other group members will have read the article as well.

Each student must write a brief review of the article they presented to the group and include a reflection on the discussion that followed (.5 - 1 page max).  Each group member will also be required to submit a very brief evaluation of the seminar.  To be handed in the following day.


Final Paper

Students must write a final paper of 1-2 pages in length on a topic of their choice related to technology in the classroom.  Articles used in the seminar groups may be used as sources.  Peer-reviewed scholarly articles and other relevant sources from outside the course may also be used, but are not required. 

The paper should include an introduction with a clear thesis statement outlining your beliefs about 21st century learning, 2 - 3 body paragraphs elaborating on your beliefs and providing support from peer-reviewed articles, and a conclusion.


Additional Information for Students

•  Students with Disabilities: Students with documented disabilities requiring academic accommodations for tests/exams (e.g. private space) or during lectures/laboratories (e.g. access to volunteer note-takers) are encouraged to contact Disability Services (DS) at 786-9771 to discuss appropriate options. Specific information about DS is available on line at

http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/index/services-disabilitv. All information about disability is confidential.

•  Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Academic Regulations and Policies found in Section VII of the University of Winnipeg Course Calendar, available online at http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/index/calendar-calendar. Particular attention should be given to subsections 7 (Student Discipline), 8 (Senate Appeals), and 9 (Grade Appeals).


•  Academic Misconduct

The Faculty of Education encourages all students to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations of the University of Winnipeg. The general regulations for the University can be found in section VII of the 2007/08 General Calendar. We would however, refer you specifically to the following sections: Misconduct: Plagiarism, Cheating, Penalties, and Procedures - Appeals: In the matter of plagiarism, please be aware that you may not submit one paper for credit in two different courses.

•  It is expected that students will not use cell-phones, pagers in class or be involved in texting; other than in exceptional circumstances outside the classroom.


•  All final grades are tentative until approved by the Senate Committee on Academic Standards, which issues grades on behalf of the University of Winnipeg Senate


Learning must occur in an atmosphere of respect and mutual cooperation, thus the use of cell phones and texting, during class time, will not be supported. Cell phones should be set on vibrate and ring tones turned off In case of an emergency, please leave the classroom and deal with that emergency appropriately.


Grade Conversion Scales












72 -77






49 or below

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