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This version was saved 11 years, 2 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Andrew Volk
on July 16, 2013 at 5:53:47 pm



Wed, July 17: 

12:30 - Greetings and Introductions

1:00 - Icebreaker

1:30 - Syllabus/website Review

2:30 - Seminar Articles

3:30 - Personal Assessment (Assign. 1)

Thu, July 18:

Personal Assessment Due

12:30 - "Did You Know"

1:00 - Essential Accounts

3:00 - Seminar Sign-up

*Gadget of the Day: TodaysMeet

Fri, July 19:

12:30 - Games for Learning

1:00 - Lesson Plans/LwICT Resources

3:00 - Work Time 

GOTD: Survey Monkey

Mon, July 22:

12:30 - SMARTBoard

1:00 - E-Learning, Blended Learning

Flipped Classrooms

3:00 - Work Time

GOTD: kahn academy, Readtheory

Tue, July 23:

12:30 -21st Century Models

2:00 - Seminar 1

2:45 - Group Debriefing

3:30 - Work time

GOTD: online picture editing

Wed, July 24: 

12:30 - Inclusion and Assistive Tech

2:00 - Seminar 2

2:45 - Group Debriefing 

3:30 - Work time

GOTD: Prezi

Thu, July 25:

12:30 - App: Nearpod

2:00 - Seminar 3

2:45 - Group Debriefing

3:30 - Work time

GOTD: Animoto

Fri, July 26:

12:30 - Teaching Math w. Tech.

2:00 - Seminar 4

2:45 - Group Debriefing

3:30- Work time

GOTD: Jog the Web

Mon, July 29:

Website & Lesson Plan due

12:30 - App: Socrative

1:00 - Exploring alt. texts on the web

2:00- Seminar 5

GOTD: Wordle, Tagxedo

Tue, July 30: 

Final paper due

12:30 - Website/Lesson Presentations

and sharing of resources

Course Evaluation



Special Topics01 - Course Overview.ppt 

SpecialTopics02 - Setting Up Accounts.ppt 

SpecialTopics03 - Games for Learning.ppt 

SpecialTopics04 - E-Learning.ppt 

SpecialTopics05- 21st Century.ppt 

SpecialTopics06 - Assistive Technologies.ppt  

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