
Tools and Applications

Page history last edited by Andrew Volk 10 years, 7 months ago

On this page you will find links to online tools and applications that can be used in your lessons, and more broadly in your practice as a teacher.


Note: The term "Web 2.0" refers to the interactive web - it is the social 'sphere' of the internet, comprised of sites, tools, and applications that allow for user input, interaction, collaboration, creativity, etc.



If you are the type that likes to explore, start here:


Web 2.0 Indexes


GO2WEB20 - This is a massive index of Web 2.0 tools and applications for almost every use you can think of.  Finding the Apps you like will take some browsing, but if you are looking for choice, you'll find it here.


Try also:




If you are looking for something more specific, try to find it using your favorite search engine, or check out some of the links below:


Indespensible Tools



www.khanacademy.com - full tutorials and practice

https://www.xtramath.org/ - math drills for automaticity

http://ca.ixl.com/ - practice K-9 concepts

http://www.coolmath-games.com/ - Wide variety of logic games

http://www.bontegames.com/ - Bart Bonte logic games



http://www.readtheory.org/ - Reading theory and comprehension

http://www.bitstrips.com/ - Make comics/storyboards

http://goanimate.com/ - Make short animated movies

http://www.comicmaster.org.uk/ - Make a comic

Story Maker - Make your own story book

Bookemon - Make and publish your own book 

Story Jumper - Create and publish your own book

http://storybird.com/ - Art inspired storytelling

http://www.pinkydinkydoo.com/ - Create children's storys

www.kerpoof.com - Create stories and more

http://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/ - Reading for young students





Mind Mapping:






Web Searching Skills:


Search Story

Google Search Lesson Plans


Text/Word Work:

www.wordle.net - Word clouds

www.tagxedo.com - Word clouds with shapes


Pictures/Photo Editing:







www.prezi.com - Zooming presentations

http://animoto.com/ - 1 minute slideshow/video

www.glogster.com - E-Posters

https://www.smore.com/ - E-Flyers

www.jogtheweb.com - Website slideshow

http://projeqt.com - Advanced slideshow making tool 

http://smilebox.com - turn your photos into slideshows

http://www.nearpod.com/ - App based presentation tool

http://www.haikudeck.com/ - App based slideshow tool





Instruction/Assessment/Classroom Management:

http://www.classdojo.com/ - Classroom management

http://www.socrative.com/ - App/Web based student response system




You can use the site below to create your own blog.  A blog will let you publish chronological entries.  They can be very useful for websites that are based on agendas or frequent updates, or if you would like to have an easy to view historical record of what's happening in your class.




http://voicethread.com/ - Audio blogging

http://kidblog.org/home/ - Blogging for kids

http://edublogs.org/ - Educational Blogging



Wikis are similar to blogs, but they are not chronological an they can facilitate collaboration.  If you would like a website that you can easily update, or that others can also contribute to, use a wiki.  (This website is a wiki, if you're wondering what it might look like).




Here is a video that explains a wiki in simple terms:


Website Builders

Some people prefer to build a traditional website with a simple homepage and links.  Unfortunately, most free website services run advertisements, provide small amounts of storage, and limit features to free accounts.  These drawbacks aside, if you prefer a traditional website, the following website builders are popular:






Social Networking

Social networking sites have a lot of potential - for both good and bad.  Typically they are blocked in shools (especially at the early/middle years levels).  The most common are facebook and twitter, but there are others that are geared towards more professional purposes, for example linkedin and Ning.  Take some time to explore social networking to see if it appeals to you.


edmodo is a social networking site that is specifically designed to be used in school.  It is a great 21st century replacement for agenda books, it is easy to set up and it has many features that teachers and students will enjoy.


Social Bookmarking

Do you recall the last time you saved a website to your list of favorites?  That is exactly what social bookmarking is, except that instead of saving the favorite page to a list on your computer, it saves to a list in your online account.  This lets you access your list of favorites from any computer with internet access, but more importantly it also give you the option to organize your favorites with tags and share them with others.  You can also join groups and view the favorites of other users with similar interests - this makes it very easy to find new sites, tools and apps without having to search for them.  The most popular social bookmarking tools are:




RSS Feeds

Have you ever noticed this icon on a blog or website that you like: 

This is an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) button.  By clicking on it, you can subscribe to that "feed", meaning that everytime an update is made, you will be able to view it automatically.  Some email programs and services allow you to use RSS feeds, but you can also use an RSS viewing application to keep track of all your subscriptions.  One of the most popular and easy to use is iGoogle.




ePearl is an online portfolio program available school divisions and/or MECY.  It is a powerful tool for integrating LwICT and the supporting skills.  The LwICT website has a number of video tutorials on how to use ePearl.








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